Charlie went to be with the Lord on 29 October 2021. He was a much loved man, held in deep respect by all who knew him, and the beloved husband of Sue and father to David and Philip. He was a valued member of the CBCF Leadership Team and also Captain of 2nd West Kent Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade Company. If you would like to have a tribute added to this page please use the email link below. Please give your name and try to be succinct keeping to around 150 words max.
Please use the email form here to send your tribute Charlie-
Charlie Redford
29 June 1955 -
“A lovely man”
Copyright © 2021 Charlton and Blackheath Christian Fellowship | Design by Mike Leader
Charlie was a great guy. Many past pupils of Blackheath Bluecoat School have described him as “a lovely man”. It is impossible to know how many people’s lives he influenced for the good over the years. He was a member of the CBCF Leadership Team, a real pillar of the church. He was a solid support to me in good times and more difficult ones and I appreciated that support and his consistent friendship. He was ‘down to earth’ and real and I valued his advice and common sense. He was also in Boys’ Brigade, man and boy, led Junior Section with his wife Sue for many years and recently had been appointed Captain of 2nd West Kent Company. He had a strong faith in Jesus and has now passed into his presence. Such a man as this will be sadly missed particularly by Sue, his dear wife of 43 years and his sons, David and Phil and their families. May he rest in peace and rise in glory!
Mike Leader
Dear Charlie -
Janis Culmer
I was truly shocked last Sat morning when I heard of the death of Charlie, I wasn't expecting it and it hurt. I went to Blackheath Bluecoat School with him from Sept. '66, along with fellow classmates Stephen Kelly & David Ramzan. He was a loyal, sweet friend who always had a smile on his face. His personal faith was very precious to him and although I didn't share his enthusiasm, I respected his love for the church. His committal to the Boys Brigade movement was admirable and I feel immensely proud of his achievements, as I'm sure all of his colleagues do.
I wish perhaps I had known him better -
Geoff Billingsley.
The Boys Brigade family of which I am one, has lost one of its true greats.
Charlie Redford epitomized all that is good about the BB and the wider Christian family.
When I joined the 2nd West Kent in 1971 Charlie was my first Squad Leader (B Squad) and a better Leader you could not have found -
Rest In Peace Charlie -
Keith Roberts
When a big heart is lifted high
When the eyes seizes to see the beyond...
When melancholy of heart reaches deep into ones inner-
And you still envy the big heart raised beyond
And smiles still sets in from memories
Memories that makes our Lord real through this heart
Should i still be sad or hopeful?
Hopeful one day, i will pass such heart on...
Charlie your heart is still envied
and even the beyond can't take that away.
Enjoy your rest big hearted man!
Charlie was a "salt of the earth" kind of guy.
His way of explaining things in a simple but powerful way helped both Mel and I enormously when we attended CBCF.
His passion for the Lord was infectious and greatly encouraged us.
Both Charlie and Sue were role models for us and helped us create the marriage we enjoy today.
Thank you Charlie and God Bless.
Love, Kev & Mel
I can’t still believe “Uncle Charlie” as I called him is no longer with us. He always made me smile at BB competitions and when in uniform I liked straightening his tie! When Johanna was a member of staff she always use to say he was her favourite. I’ll miss his stories of his cruising adventures as we were always convinced we would walk into each other on a cruise ship somewhere in the world.
Rest in peace matey ...
Paul & Johanna Clewes
Charlie became a great friend whose goodness shone out like a beacon. He was a devoted husband, father and grandfather and the love he shared with Sue was beautiful to witness.
I will miss our chat before and after church when we would discus Saturday’s performance by Charlton and Preston which was usually a mutual moanathon.
I am praying for Sue and her family and know that Charlie is now with the Father, and preparing a place for Sue to share their journey in eternity.
Peter Vickers
It came as such sad news when I received the call about Charlie, to know that an amazing man had been called home. At every single BB meeting, event and camp that Charlie had been at he had always been the kind encouraging person that he genuinely was. Thank you for being the fella that we all needed, stick your feet up and rest with God now. Praying for Sue and the whole family at this really challenging time.
Stefan Brache
Charlie, a godly man of smiles and helpfulness. He and Sue really emulated the oneness of marital love whenever I saw them, serving the Lord and any and all that they could. With sincere love to Sue and the family, knowing that you will feel his loss in your daily lives. But I hope you will take comfort in these words from Matthew 25:23 "His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'"
Gloria Bradford
We were heartbroken to hear this news. Our prayers and love are with Sue and the family. He was a precious, lovely man, kind, practical, faithful and who loved Jesus and he served so many people. He’s an example to us all.
Teresa & Andy
I first met Charlie at Blackheath Bluecoat School where we were both in the same class together all those years ago. He was a great classmate and good bloke too. I didn’t see a lot of Charlie after we left, but occasionally met up with him at Charlton games, or after in the pub or club for a beer with a few other former classmates to talk about the match and reminisce about our school days. You’ll be greatly missed mate.
David Ramzan
I am so grateful to have known Charlie and to have been in Charlie and Sue’s home group/church at a time when I needed love, stability and fellowship.
Charlie was an encouraging and kind father figure to many and a loyal friend. He put others before himself at work and at home. I am blessed to have known him. What a wonderful, Godly man. A precious smile and a very kind heart.
Susan Gurnett
Charlie was a very special person. He greeted you and welcomed you wherever and whenever he met you and made you feel really special. We will really miss him as will many, many others.
Such lovely memories.
Gill & Ron
Charlie liked to laugh, he could join in with banter and give and take some fun jibes. When Jose and I went through a raw episode in ministry , both Charlie and Sue showed us care and prayer and a tasty take-
Charlie would care and help friends and family with life’s big and small obstacles, and now others clearly want to be there for you and your family.
Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
Rev Martin and Jose Seymour
Charlie was such a kind and friendly person and he and Sue were always so welcoming to me. I was shocked to hear about the news -
Sarah Blincko
Charlie was a good friend to us over the past 30 years and we will miss him dearly. He and Sue initially joined our church house group in the early 1990s, and it was a privilege to get to know this wonderful couple.
We had the pleasure of working alongside Charlie in our church’s leadership team (CBCF) and he was a great asset. His support and commitment to the fellowship was unwavering and his wise contributions helped ‘steady the ship’ in difficult times. He was such a kind and caring man, who acted on his compassion. He was a great giver of his time and energy. He possessed a strong sense of right and wrong and the boldness to speak his mind; he was gifted in being able to speak the truth in love: a rare gift and a great example to us all, as was his love for Sue and his family. He has already been missed hugely in CBCF and we’re all keenly aware that his leadership among us was just one of the many roles Charlie succeeded in fulfilling during his busy and fruitful life.
Trevor & Lisa Tinlin
I first met Charlie when he began to play for Crossways Cricket club. It was more to the end of my 14 seasons with the club, and increasing commitments prevented me from continuing with cricket. However, we did play together once more in a club centenary match in 1998 (photo attached). Many years later as a Gideon, I linked up again with Charlie and Sue at the Boys Brigade. Happy memories.
Allan Nicholls, Bexleyheath
Our hearts are filled with warmth & love for Charlie & Sue. They were pillars in the community who lived as loving servants of the Lord, expressed practically in their devotion to others. We felt their love very personally in times of need. Our family may have lived far away, but our church family was always close. We send Sue much affection & blessings at this time.
Tim & Victoria Troughton, Canada.
Celebration of Life and Witness
Friday 26 November at 1pm
St John’s Church
Stratheden Road, Blackheath SE3 7TH
There will be a reception from 4pm at
The Boys’ Brigade Hall
Reynolds Place,Blackheath SE3 8SX